“News. News. News. Brexit, EU elections and the ever new interesting remarks of a certain Washington politician – political news reach us more frequently than just on a daily basis. Every second, every minute brings new coverage to our social media newsfeeds, our preferred online media outlets and via push notification to the touchscreens of our cellphones. We will look beyond that constant flood of information. Discover special in-depth stories, fascinating people and intriguing projects related to 42 Magazine’s topics with us, Neele, Laura, Philipp, and Anna. We are super excited to start this journey with you! If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to get in touch with us via Facebook, Twitter or fortytwomagazine.com.” “News. News. News. Brexit, EU-Wahlen und die immer wieder interessanten Bemerkungen eines gewissen Politikers aus Washington – gesellschaftlich relevante Nachrichten erreichen uns mehrmals am Tag. Jede Sekunde, jede Minute spült neue Inhalte in unsere Social Media Newsfeeds, unsere liebsten Online Informationsquellen und per push Nachricht auf die Bildschirme unserer Smartphones. Gemeinsam mit uns, Neele, Laura, Philipp und Anna, werden wir hinter die konstante Flut aus Informationen schauen, die uns …