All posts filed under: 42 News

Exploring Distant Galaxies by Ear

The starry sky, images of the glowing blue Earth or the latest colour images taken by the Mars rover Perseverance – space first triggers visual images in many people. This is probably because astronomy is primarily a visual science, despite the fact that most data collected in modern observational astrophysics isn’t visible to our eyes.

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„Selbst der beste Akademiker, der kritischste Journalist ist manipulierbar.“

Wie unterscheiden wir Relevantes von Irrelevantem? Wissenschaftsjournalist Ranga Yogeshwar spricht im 42-Interview über den Überfluss an Informationen und warum es wichtig ist, diesen zu filtern. Neben seiner Forderung, Algorithmen offenzulegen, weist er auf die positiven Seiten der Digitalisierung hin und ermutigt, die Früchte der Digitalisierung nicht nur für ökonomische Zwecke zu nutzen.

“Even the very best academic, the most critical journalist can be manipulated”

How do we distinguish relevant from irrelevant information? In his interview with 42 Magazine, science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar talks about the overflow of information and why it is important to filter it. He calls for the disclosure of algorithms while simultaneously pointing out the positive sides of digital transformation and suggests that its benefits should be used beyond economic ends.